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Initial Router Setup for a Cisco 2500 Router 
The Lab-C router is used here only as an example.                         Lab-C
Configure each router according to it’s interfaces.

These steps assume the router has no startup configuration.

Step 1
Router boots up.
At the Setup mode prompt, press
crtl-c to break out.
At the Router> prompt, enter
enable for Privileged mode

Step 2
Global Configuration Mode
Enter global configuration mode
Configure hostname
Configure enable passwords
Configure line passwords
Configure interfaces
Step 3
Router Configuration Mode and verify
Enter router configuration mode
Configure each interface with RIP
Exit out of global configuration mode
Check your configuration
Save your configuration to NVRAM
Test your interfaces

config t
Router (config)# hostname Lab-C

Lab-C (config)# enable password cisco
Lab-C (config)# enable secret class

Lab-C (config)# line con 0
Lab-C (config-line)# login
Lab-C (config-line)# password cisco
Lab-C (config-line)# line vty 0 4
Lab-C (config-line)# login
Lab-C (config-line)# password cisco
Lab-C (config-line)# line aux 0
Lab-C (config-line)# password cisco
Lab-C (config-line)# exit (to leave line configuration)

Lab-C (config)# interface e0 (optional for this router)
Lab-C (config-if)# ip address
Lab-C (config-if)# no shutdown

Lab-C (config-if)# interface s0
Lab-C (config-if)# ip address
Lab-C (config-if)# clock rate 56000
Lab-C (config-if)# no shutdown

Lab-C (config-if)# interface s1
Lab-C (config-if)# ip address
Lab-C (config-if)# no shutdown
Lab-C (config-if)# exit (to leave interface configuration)
Lab-C (config)#

Note: Only the DCE interface (s0) on the routers gets the clock rate set.  And only set the clock rate on a router interface if you have no other device like a DSU/CSU providing clocking.

Lab-C (config)#
router rip (enter the routing protocol to use)
Lab-C (config-router)# network
Lab-C (config-router)# network
Lab-C (config-router)# network
Lab-C (config-router)# crtl-z (or end) (exits all the way out of config)
Lab-C# show running-config (check config)
Lab-C# copy running-config startup-config (save config)

Use Ping, Trace and/or Telnet to test connectivity with other routers.

Additional commands to check your router’s configuration:
Lab-C# show ip interface brief
Lab-C# show interfaces
Lab-C# show ip route
Lab-C# show protocols
Lab-C# show startup-config
