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Start | Run Commands
Running a program inside your browser
MSIE 5 Repair Tool
Winkey Combinations
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts
Highlighting tips in Windows Word Processors


Use the following commands in Start | Run to open various Windows
utilties.  Press the enter key after typing.

An asterisk * denotes a program that is optionally installed with Win9x. 
You may have to install this from Add/Remove programs, or the Win9x CD.

Windows 9x
System Configuration Utility msconfig
Microsoft System Information msinfo32
System Files sysedit
Windows Update Installs wulog.txt
DOS Window
Notepad notepad.exe
WordPad wordpad.exe
With Notepad and Wordpad you can add the path to a document you want opened, ie. notepad c:\windows\readme.txt
Registry Editor regedit
*Policy Editor poledit 
System File Checker sfc
*System Monitor sysmon
*Resource Meter rsrcmtr
TaskManager taskman                                  Top


Windows NT 4.0
Registry Editor  regedit or regedit32
command prompt cmd
User Manager on a PDC usrmgr
User manager not on a PDC  musrmgr
Windows NT Diagnostics winmsd
if you have Office97 or Office2000 installed you can use msinfo32 instead of winmsd


Running a program inside your browser:

You can start a program from inside your browser (MSIE 4 and up) by typing the 
full path name in the browser address box. You can't do this in Netscape. 
Netscape will try and download the file from your hard drive.

For example:
To open the Microsoft System File Checker you would type:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 Repair Tool
Type the following in Start | Run to run the MSIE 5 repair tool:

Note: this is case sensitive

rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE5Maintenance "C:\Program Files \Internet
Explorer\Setup\SETUP.EXE" /g "C:\WINDOWS\IE Uninstall Log.Txt"


Winkey Combinations
Windows-E to open Windows Explorer
Windows-F to open Find
Windows-M to minimize all open windows (Shift + Windows + M to undo this command)
Windows-R  to open the Run window
Windows-F1 to open Help
Windows-Tab to cycle through the Taskbar buttons
Windows-Pause  to open the System Properties dialog box
Windows-D  Toggles b/w active windows and the Desktop
Windows-L  to logoff Windows (with Intellimouse software)                      Top

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl-Esc, Esc, Shift-F10 Right-mouse-click Start button
Ctrl-Esc, Esc, Tab, Tab Shift focus to desktop icons
Ctrl-Esc, Esc, Tab, Shift-F10, M Minimize open windows 
Shift-F10 Right-mouse-click selected item
Ctrl-Esc Display Start menu
Alt-[underlined letter] Select menu command
Alt-Esc Switch to Taskbar's "next" open window
Alt-Tab Switch among open windows (hold Alt and continue to press Tab)
Alt-F4 Close active window
Alt-spacebar, N Minimize active window
Alt-spacebar, X Maximize active window
Alt-spacebar, R Restore active window
Alt-spacebar, C Close active window
Ctrl-F10 Switch focus to menu commands (in any Explorer window)
Ctrl-Tab Rotate through dialog box tabs
Ctrl-Shift-Tab Rotate through dialog box tabs in reverse
Ctrl-Alt-Del Display Close Program dialog box                  
Ctrl-x Cut
Ctrl-c Copy
Ctrl-v, Shift-Insert Paste/Insert                                                  Top

MS Knowledgebase article on Win9x keyboard shortcuts:

Highlighting in Word Processors:

To highlight a word, double-click it. 
To highlight a line of text, click once to its left (in the left margin). 
To highlight an entire paragraph, double-click to its left (again, in the margin). 

To highlight a large area of text, click once at the beginning of the text, hold 
down Shift, and then click at the end of the text; or, while holding down Shift, 
use the cursor keys to expand the selection. 

To highlight an entire document, place the cursor at the very beginning of the 
document and press Ctrl-Shift-End; or, with your cursor anywhere, press Ctrl-A. 
You can also triple-click in the left margin, or
Hold down the Ctrl key as you click anywhere in the left margin. 

